Know Your Ancestors!

I have searched on the Mathematics Genealogy Project site to see who are my "scientific ancestors", on the line of descent given by the relation between the PhD advisor and the PhD student (denoted in the following by ">"). I have obtained the following genealogy (near each name you can find the University and the date where he defended his dissertation):
Erhard Weigel (Universität Leipzig, 1650) > Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (Universität Altdorf, 1666) > Jacob Bernoulli (Universität Basel, 1684) > Johann Bernoulli (Universität Basel, 1694) > Leonhard Euler (Universität Basel, 1726) > Joseph Louis Lagrange (no degree, no dissertation or advisor, but considered a descendant of Euler) > Simeon Denis Poisson (École Polytechnique, 1800?) > Michel Chasles (École Polytechnique, 1814) > Gaston Darboux (École Normale Supérieure Paris 1866) > Emile Borel (École Normale Supérieure Paris, 1893)> Henri Léon Lebesgue (Université Henri Poincaré Nancy 1 1902) > Paul Montel (adivsed by Emile Borel also, Université Paris IV-Sorbonne, 1907) > Miron Nicolescu (Université Paris IV-Sorbonne, 1928) > Solomon Marcus (University of Bucharest, 1956) > Gheorghe Paun (University of Bucharest, 1977) > Victor Mitrana (University of Bucharest, 1993) > Florin Manea (University of Bucharest, 2007).

As an interesting fact, note that 44690 of the 115028 persons recorded on the site are descendants of Simeon Poisson, thus their scientific genealogical tree start with the same 7 names as mine. Surprisingly, Erhard Weigel has 47799 descendants, thus only 3109 more than his descendant Poisson whose dissertation was defended almost 150 years later; however, this number makes Weigel the mathematician with the greatest number of descendants.

To end with a joke, I may say that these are my scientific relatives; therefore, I am part of a big scientific family.